In the first tale of this debut chapter book graphic novel series by Susie Yi, two magical cats set out on a very important adventure: a quest for unlimited snacks!
Cats, magical portals, and snacks, oh my!
One day when their human leaves for work, Squash and Ginny find themselves in a terribly unfortunate predicament: without snacks. With a little help from a magical portal, the two cats embark on a quest to find ingredients for a potion that will produce unlimited goodies.
At first, their mission doesn’t seem so tough.… It takes them on a boat race across Mewmaid Ocean and a hot-air balloon ride over Mount Lava. But when the cats reach the Enchanted Rain Forest to gather enchanted rainwater—the final ingredient on their list—their mission runs dry. It turns out it hasn’t rained there for weeks! What a cat-astrophe!
Can Squash and Ginny get to the bottom of what's causing this dry spell and secure the final ingredient they need? Or have Squash and Ginny taken their last bite...for good?